Download the external libraries
The following libraries are needed to build XDFLengine :
- to build XDFLengine, XDFLrun, zipModuleStreamer, sampleModuleStreamer, multilangModuleStreamer, smtpModuleStreamer :
* XERCES 2.4 (
* XALAN 1.7 (
- to build XDFLfcgi
* FCGI DEV KIT 2.4.0 (
- to build cryptoModuleStreamer
* CRYPTOPP 5.1 (
- to build dbModuleStremer for Oracle, you need an oracle client installed on the compilation machine
- to build dbModuleStreamer for ODBC (windows only), you need ODBC on the compilation machine (You should already have it)
- to build dbModuleStreamer for ODBC-UNIX, you need ODBC-UNIX on the compilation machine
Copy the external libraries in the 'libraries' subdirectory
Unzip the external libraries
note : On linux, you can use the to do the next steps
Rename xerces-c-src2_4_0 in xerces-c
Build the external libraries
Compile XDFLengine
- go to the build subdirectory
- use gmake clean all with the folowing parameters :
* RDBMS=ORA8|ORA8I|ORA9I|ORA10G|ODBC_UNIX -> build dbModuleStreamer for the indicated interface
( ORA8 for OCI/Oracle 8, ORA8I for OCI/Oracle 8i, ORA9I for OCI/Orale 9i, ORA10G for OCI/Oacle 10g , ODBC_UNIX for ODBC-UNIX
default = ORA8I)
* PRELINK_ORACLE=1|0 -> prelinks XDFLengine with Oracle libs (necessary on HP-UX, default=0)
* NODB=1|0 -> does not build dbModuleStreamer (default=0)
* NOZIP==1|01|0 -> does not build zipModuleStreamer (default=0)
* NOSAMPLE=1|0 -> does not build sampleModuleStreamer (default=0)
* NOMULTILANG=1|0 -> does not build multilangoModuleStreamer (default=0)
* NOSMTP=1|0 -> does not build smtpModuleStreamer (default=1)
* NOCRYPTO=1|0 -> does not build cryptoModuleStreamer (default=1)
WIN32 :
-use the XDFLall project in MSVC in the project subdirectory
If your platform is not yet supported, you can go in the build/XDFLengine/ subdirectory and add the mk file for your platform.